The Villa

The Villa

The Villa

La The Villa

The estate is the result of a long renovation process completed by the present owners in the early nineties.

The ambitious architectural project aimed at restoring and expanding the property, has seen involved craftsmen and skilled mosaic artists who, through a rational plan of action coordinated by an experienced team of architects, allowed the recovery and enhancement of the original elements such as floors in Venetian terrazzo, the ceramics lining the walls of the kitchen, the pictorial ornaments and stucco that decorate the hall, all the exterior plastering and internal and external joinery.

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Also the heating and the wiring systems were renovated in the 1990s, with the implementation of an underfloor heating on the first floor of the building, while preserving the original flooring. The building has always been inhabitated, the owners have always been improving and maintaining it.

Also the heating and the wiring systems were renovated in the 1990s, with the implementation of an underfloor heating on the first floor of the building, while preserving the original flooring. The building has always been inhabitated, the owners have always been improving and maintaining it.


The plans of the villa

floor plans

Ground Floor

First Floor



The photos of the Villa


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A beautiful opportunity

Contact us for more information and book your complete virtual tour with the sales manager to find out the many details.

A beautiful opportunity

Contact us for more information and book your complete virtual tour with the sales manager to find out the many details.